You are currently viewing Man rigs windshield wiper fluid mechanism to quench his thirst

“A new hero of the automotive industry has arisen from Elon Musk’s ashes. But Daniel Tillotson’s contributions to the car don’t have anything to do with transitioning away from fossil fuels. Instead, he focused his genius on the problem of safely enjoying a beverage behind the wheel, developing an innovation that any driver would appreciate on a hot day.

Tillotson modified the mechanism that sprays wiper fluid onto his Subaru’s windshield to instead blast delicious kombucha directly into his mouth while he’s driving—or at least in the general vicinity of his mouth (there’s still some room left for improvement). Using a suction cup mount, the washer fluid’s spray nozzle was relocated to the inside of the car’s windshield, but that wasn’t the most time-consuming part of the hack.”

Read the article here.

We definitely don’t recommend trying this yourself. Windshield wiper fluid is not something you want to ingest, no matter how clean you think the tank may be. Still, you have to admit this strange contraption is captivating.

While we won’t adjust your wipers, if your windshield is defective we can help! Visit our website for more information.