You are currently viewing How the auto glass repair industry is handling coronavirus

“Peter Brown, president of Tiny and Sons in Pembroke, MA, said it’s been crazy since the initial outbreak, but all who work for the business are remaining optimistic.

“What I have heard on the coronavirus, is that it clings to hard shiny surfaces better than it attaches to porous or dull surfaces. The virus can live longer on metal and other hard surfaces. If this is true, it is best for glass companies to schedule vehicles after a car washing and sitting idle for a day or two,” said Bob Beranek, founder and president of Automotive Glass Consultants, Inc. “This would give better odds that the virus was not sitting on the vehicle’s surface waiting for an auto glass technician to come and replace the glass.”

How has auto glass repair and replacement fared following all of the virus regulations and government updates?

“We are currently very busy with work, with all of the people working from home [we’ve found that] they are getting things done,” said Brown.”

Read the rest of this story here.

The coronavirus situation has turned life upside down in a way no one could have ever predicted. Even though the majority of those infected recovers, there are many individuals who are vulnerable to this virus. Therefore, many businesses have either had to take drastic measures to reduce the risk of spreading it or close their doors altogether. The auto repair industry has been deemed essential and for the most part, allowed to continue normal operations.

At Advantage Auto Glass we are taking this situation very seriously. All of our staff and technicians adhere to the guidelines set forth by federal, state, and local governments as it pertains to sanitization and other safeguards. We’ve also seen a high demand in service due to people “looking to get things done”. However, the safety of our customers is the top priority and our mobile glass service is a great option for people who wish to remain close to home. Please call us at 612-343-8984 with any questions or visit our services page for more information.