You are currently viewing Dealing with hail damage to your windshield

So, what can you do to help protect your new car and minimize dents and dings caused by hail? Here are some ideas to consider when hailstorms are threatening. Above all, remember that your personal safety during inclement weather is most important.

Locate covered parking. Parking inside your garage at home is ideal, but hail can fall during your commute or while you’re running errands. When a hailstorm hits, seek overhead protection at a gas station, parking deck, or under a bridge.

Use moving blankets. While the technique isn’t foolproof, draping moving blankets or a comforter over the car roof, windshield, and hood can soften the pummeling of hailstones.

What Size Hail Will Damage a Car?

There isn’t a rulebook that sets a threshold for hail size and vehicle damage. Too many variables come into play to provide a definitive answer. The falling hail’s velocity and damage potential depend on its size, wind direction, and other environmental factors. Plus, plenty of vehicle characteristics can affect the severity of hail damage.”

Read more about hail damage here.

If the hail is the size of a pea the damage is probably very limited. However, when you get to hail that is the size of golf balls or larger is when dents and cracked glass can happen. Having comprehensive auto insurance should cover most of the cost for any damage incurred.

Advantage Auto Glass provides full auto glass replacement or auto glass repair for residents in the Twin Cities area. Call us at 612-343-8984 to set up an appointment.