You are currently viewing Auto Glass Safety Council releases ADAS checklist

“The Auto Glass Safety Council (AGSC) has recently released a checklist for use with vehicles that require an Advanced Driver Assistance Systems (ADAS) recalibration after having an auto glass replacement.

“Proper calibration of the ADAS system in a vehicle after auto glass replacement is integral to the safety of the vehicle,” said Jacques Navant, AGSC ADAS Committee chairperson. “Our committee developed this guidance, in the form of a checklist, to help everyone replacing glass in vehicles equipped with ADAS complete the recalibration process properly.””

Read more on the AGSC’s checklist here.

The checklist covers several topic areas regarding ADAS and is open for review to non-AGSC members too. People who are interested can fill out a short form to get access to the checklist. As a registered member of the AGSC, you can rest assured that we will be thoroughly reviewing the list from start to finish!

At Advantage Auto Glass, ADAS recalibration has become a regular service of ours. Our technicians are trained to handle ADAS recalibrations from a variety of different automakers and we always follow their guidelines and recommendations. Call us at 612-343-8984 or visit our ADAS recalibration page for more information.